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Analyzers of Search Engine Mistakes

Search engine mistakes are the negative side of its ability to refine and to understand the query (discussed in the Query Comprehension section). The queries in this group were sought out to demonstrate such mistakes in a most vivid and obvious manner. They might seem exotic, but every active search engine user knows that such mishaps tend to occur quite regularly.
Two weeks | Month | Half year | Year | All

Search Engine Mistakes

99 ▼1
81.3 ▲0.4

Query Substitution

The lower the better
40.4 ▲0.8
51.3 ▼0.4

Phrase Substitution

The lower the better
53.9 ▲0.9
65.4 ▼0.1

Names Search

51.3 ▼0.4
35.9 ▲0.6

Unbreakable Queries

58.6 ▼0.1
46.6 ▼0.3

Quality of Grammatical Interpretation

37.7 ▲1.4
37.5 ▼0.2