Data Freshness Aanalyzer: Jobs
This analyzer is the first one in the series of analyzers which will estimate to which extent the search results are up to date.
For many queries it is important that a search engine does not give outdated results. For example, a user looking for "president of Zimbabwe" is most likely to be interested in finding out who is the current president of Zimbabwe. The user will not be satisifed if they only get the information about the previous presidents.
Within this analyzer each query is associated with one or more actual up-to-date response marker as well as one ore more outdated response marker. Any web page containing the up-to-date information increases the search engine's score in this analyzer. On the other hand, the score is decreased for any page which only contains outdated information. The results which are not recognized as containing either up-to-date or outdated information are not analyzed. Some of these unrecognized results may be irrelevant to the query, but our focus here is only on the actuality of the results.
We plan to develop new analyzers which will assess actuality of other types of information: recent news, pricing information for everyday goods as well as for stocks and currencies, last-minute deals etc.
- 90−100%
- 80−90%
- 60−80%
- 40−60%
- 20−40%
- 0−20%