Intrusive Ads Analyzer
Web pages with similar content may differ in the amount of ads. A search engine that favors pages with less intrusive ads is thus better for the user.
The analyzer is based on an ads recognition technology assessing the scripts, iframes and other code on the page. Each page is assigned a total intrusiveness score. The intrusiveness of a particular web page is a sum of the intriusiveness of all individual ads on this page. For each SERP a weighted average of the intrusiveness scores is taken. The average intrusiveness of all SERP's is then the score of a search engine in this analyzer.
The intrusiveness of a particular web page is a sum of the intriusiveness scores of all individual ads on this page. The intrusiveness of an ad is calculated as follows:
- context ads and small simple banners receive intrusiveness of 1
- teasers and bigger shiny banners receive 3
- some ads have to be clicked on in order to be closed. These include clickunders (separate windows which open upon a click anywhere on a page) and scrolling banners which cover up a part of a page. These ads receive intrusiveness of 9.
- finally, some particularly nasty ads have to be clicked more than once in order to be closed. These receive intrusiveness of 18.
For each web page found, the intrusiveness is adjusted according to the position of the page in the SERP. The weight of each result reflects the probability that the link will be clicked, and the weights of all positions average to 1 (position 1 has the weight of 1.5 and position 10 has the weight of 0.4). Thus, if the sites with intrusive ads are randomly distributed along the SERP, the average intrusiveness won't be affected by the positional weight.
This analyzer looks at queries seeking popular songs or video content. These queries often yield pages overloaded with ads.
Note that web page assessment is based on html code of a web page while the visibility of ads on a particular page might depend on the user's browser and the cookies.
- 0−2
- 2−4
- 4−8
- 8−12
- 12−16
- > 16