Grammar Analyzer
The analyzer of grammatical misinterpretation is of a certain linguistic elegance. It deals with such cases when a specific word-form belongs to more than one paradigm, like 'miss' in 'Miss Juliet' vs. 'I miss you terribly'. Naturally, such situations are more intricate in languages with a rich inflectional morphology, like Russian, where a suffix or an ending increase the chance of there being a homonym to the word in question.
The task that lies on search engines is then to choose the more appropriate paradigm / the more appropriate meaning of the two and to adjust the output accordingly. The instrument of the correct choice is the context, however short (even in two-word queries the second word almost invariably seems to narrow the field of possible meanings for the first one).
We have to admit that from this point of view the functioning of the investigated search engines has improved impressively over the last few years. Not so long ago the paradigms got confused so grossly, that in order to evaluate the output you only had to cross off all the wrong word-forms. Nowadays, the search engine tend not to deviate too much from the given word-form, so there is no choice but to base the checking procedure on the context. It also means the queries should become more sophisticated, or rare, or both. However, all the queries we use are quite realistic ones, meaning the search engines should actually get concerned with the results of the analyzer.
It is to be noted that the result of the analyzer, despite it belonging to the Mistakes group, shows the percentage of positive answers among the search engines' output.
- 90−100%
- 80−90%
- 60−80%
- 40−60%
- 20−40%
- 0−20%