Social Network Navigation Analyzer
The audience of social networks grows by the day, as does the time spent there by a medium user. That's why most businesses have found it convenient to set up their own page on one or more social networks. Nowadays, every respectable hairdresser or garage owner can be found on Facebook or similar. Moreover, the social network page often becomes the only official source of information about the company.
Now, that means that for many small businesses or business-like structures, not to be found on Facebook / VKontakte/ Livejournal etc. means not to be found at all: there simply won't be any other place to look for them. This is how the queries in the Analyzer were chosen : we only used such companies that haven't got any website, except their social network page (but naturally, we took care to gather all such pages for each company). Thus, the Analyzer evaluates the web user's chances of finding official information about smaller organizations. At the same time it evaluates, along with the Blog Search Analyzer, the overall quality of search on the social networks segment of the internet, a parameter that nowadays becomes extremely significant.
The principle of the Analyzer's work is the same as with any other from the Navigation search group: for each query, we check the presence of the given page in the search results as well as its position.
- 90−100%
- 80−90%
- 60−80%
- 40−60%
- 20−40%
- 0−20%