Data Freshness Analyzer
The degree of the result's relevance often depends not only on the content of the information retrieved, but also on its freshness. When the object of the search is a rapidly changing thing, such as news, schedules, forecasts etc., the out-of-date invalid information can be as harmful, as it is meaningless, since it may confuse and mislead the user.
This group's analyzers check the presence of valid or, vice versa, outdated results in the search engine output. (Needless to say, we have picked out such types of queries, as to make this check at all sensible. These are phone numbers and positions of executive managers.) As it so happens, the results marked as "fresh" also tend to get outdated. We therefore have to regularly arrange additional tests of the analyzers' results. If you catch sight of some outdated marker, please do let us know!
The Indexation analyzer should be considered separately: it shows what time does it take for a new Web page to enter the search engines' indexes. It is clear that the fast indexation is a necessary prerequisite for maintaining the freshness of search results.