Adult Content Ads Analyzer
Probably the most intrusive ads on the web are the ads with adult content. Presence of such ads on a web page irritates the users. Therefore a search engine which finds less web pages with pornographic ads is better for the user.
This analyzer has two tabs and both of them look at queries seeking popular songs or video content (these queries are also used in the
Intrusive Ads Analyzer). These queries often yield pages overloaded with ads.
The analyzer is based on an ads recognition technology which assigns a total intrusiveness score to each page. In the first tab (“
% of sites with porno-ads”) each search engine gets a score which is equal to the percentage of the pages found containing explicitly pornographic ads. Each page contributes to the search engine's score if it has at least one advertisement containing pornographic pictures. The ads which are not literally pornographic but can be considered blatant or improper are not taken into account in this tab. The scores of the search engines also do not reflect the amount, size and position of the pornographic ads on the pages found. However in most cases if the porno ads are present they occur in a prominent position on a page.
The other tab (“
improper + porn”) shows the mean intrusiveness of all adult advertisements on the page. Here the amount and size of the ads, as well as the position of the website in search results is taken into account. For each ad, the
intrusiveness is multiplied by a coefficient reflecting the status of this ad with respect to pornography. The following coefficients are used:
0 - an ad is not pornographic or adult in any way
0.5 - an ad sometimes contains some improper pictures, but sometimes these pictures are absent
1 - an ad always contains improper pictures
10 - an ad always contains explicitly pornographic pictures
The score of a particular web page is a sum of the adjusted porno-intriusiveness scores of all individual ads on the page. The intrusiveness itself depends on the size and shininess of an ad as well as on whether the ad covers part of the page's content and requires the user to make a click. You can read more about how intrusiveness score is calculated
here. Although the adjusted porno-intrusiveness is on average similar to the intrusiveness of the ads, these two measures cannot be compared directly.
- 0−1
- 1−2
- 2−4
- 4−6
- 6−8
- > 8