Analyzer of Viruses and Malware
Search engines try to prevent their users from accessing infected or fraudulent web pages. How efficient is this security measure?
This analyzer shows the percentage of infected web pages in each search engine's results. Each web page is analyzed based on the sources of scripts and frames/iframes. In addition to viruses, the Russian web is overwhelmed with ads which are trying to fool people into downloading fraudulent files. These ads are marked as "fraudulent downloads" in the analyzer.
The number of threats on a particular web page is displayed, but it does not influence the overall score of a search engine - a page with 5 threats contributes as much as a page with 1 threat. Each web page is searched individually for viruses based on the antivus software reports, webmaster opinions and other sources.
By default, the analyzer takes into account all kinds of threats. The "% of sites with viruses" tab only takes into account the sites infected with viruses, the sites with fraudulent ads are excluded on that tab.
Some search engines warn their user that a particular page may threaten them. However for the kind of queries used in this analyzer such warnings may not be sufficient. This analyzer inspects the queries devoted to downloading, listening to or watching music and video clips - same queries as in
the intrusive ads analyzer. These queries yield thousands of result pages with roughly the same content. In such a situation it would seem reasonable to not just warn the users about a possible threat, but to lower the infected websites in search results so that an uninfected site is displayed on a high position instead. The data in this analyzer can be displayed based on all the threats (the "All" tab) or, alternatively, it can be displayed based only on the pages for which no warning is shown on the SERP (the "unmarked on SERP" tab).
- 0−1
- 1−2
- 2−4
- 4−6
- 6−8
- > 8